Radish salad with sour cream is a light and simple salad that can be easily cooked with a minimum of ingredients; the salad recipe includes only radishes, eggs and sour cream.
Red cabbage salad is cooked according to a very simple recipe, but in order for such a salad to turn out tender, there are some features of its cooking.
Crab stick salad is one of the traditional salads that are prepared for the New Year and other holidays; this salad is distinguished by its lightness and unique taste.
Mimosa salad is one of the traditional salads that are usually cooked for the New Year and other holidays; the recipe for Mimosa salad is simple and cooked from available ingredients.
Olivier salad is a traditional salad recipe, which in many countries is prepared for the New Year; the recipe for Olivier salad is simple and does not contain exotic products.
Herring under a fur coat salad is one of the salads that many cook for the New Year holidays; the herring fruit fur coat recipe does not require much effort to cook this dish.
Salad of fresh cucumbers in sour cream is cooked according to a very simple recipe from Ukrainian cuisine; it is a very tasty and satisfying salad, which also looks beautiful.
Beet salad is one of the traditional recipes in Ukrainian cuisine; the recipe for beetroot salad is very simple; beets are widely used in Ukrainian cuisine.
A vinaigrette of fruits and vegetables can be cooked according to a recipe from Jewish cuisine, and although the vinaigrette recipe includes many ingredients, it is very simple to cook.
Вінегрет з овочів – дуже смачний салат, і хоча в рецепт вінегрету з овочів входить велика кількість інгредієнтів, вони дуже органічно об'єднуються в цій страві.
The recipe for sauerkraut salad with cranberries and apple is not simple, but very simple, however, the result is a very tasty and healthy sauerkraut salad.
Potato salad - a simple recipe for a warm salad of potatoes and green onions, this salad recipe is very simple to prepare, while being a very tasty dish.